Procrastinations and Ventings of a Moody Woman

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Currently I'm in my Junior year at Moody Bible Institute in downtown Chicago. I am finishing up my degree in Elementary Education. The program is pretty much the hardest elementary ed program you could imagine, but I love it a lot because it's the only place I know of that you can be a Bible and El Ed major at the same time. We work really hard to that end, but it is very cool to be some of the first people to learn an integrative philosophy of Christian education. I can't wait to start practicing all this; and the countdown is on, because in a little over a year I will be doing full time student teaching.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Well, for anyone uninformed about baseball, the sox did win. I didn't watch the game, but I learned that they won when a crazy party ensued on the streets right outside my window. Lines and lines of cars were going down the streets screaming out their windows and honking their horns. People were running around and dancing. Suddenly homeless man, drunken business man, and crazy frat boy were all the best of friends. People had costumes and air horns, yes, sleep was difficult that night. For me, the funniest part of the whole thing was watching it from the perspective of Moody Bible Institute.
One particular fan, who I would classify as a frat boy was yelling up at the 18 story boys dorm, which is right next to my dorm. All the boys in Culby had there windows open and were encouraging the fans on the street to go crazy. So he was having somewhat of a verbal exchange with the boys upstairs. He would yell, "White Sox!" They would all yell something that I could not understand. The whole exchange come to a head when the scrawny guy grabbed the edge of a car in some kind of an attempt to turn it over. Suprisingly (not really!), he was unable to turn it over. So he started recruiting from the dorm of future pastors and missionaries. "Come down here you wussies and help me." I couldn't hear their answer, but from his response I assume it wasn't favorable. Anyways, good times.
The video I made was played last night at the Informal show and was very well-recieved. Tuesday we start on the next show. My lesson for tommorow is in the works, okay I haven't started but today is definately the day.
Tonight the guys dorm is having Open House and our "brother floor" has prepared a night themed around trash. I'm highly skeptical and busy so I don't know if I'm going. Well, I think this blog is quite long enough. So, I 'm signing off.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Things here in Chicago are a little bit crazy right now as it looks like the sox are about to win the world series tonight. I actually believe people here are more excited then when the D-Backs won in Phoenix. Personally, I think I am a good luck charm for baseball teams. The last year I was in Phoenix the D-Backs won. The first year I was in Chicago the cubs came close and now it looks like the sox are about to win.
Anyways, filming our Haloween video was a lot of fun. We actually did end up spending almost the whole night in Doane and the sounds up there were quite unsettling. I'll bring home a copy of our video at Thanksgiving for anyone in Arizona who wants to see it.
On Monday, we are having a Halloween party at Inner City Impact. I will be dressing as a princess, Lari thanks for the help. If anyone thinks about it on monday please pray because there will be a lot of kids there who have never heard the gospel and I will be teaching on it.
I did finish my lovely book and turn in the review. The happy news is that I only have about three more papers-- this week=( (can you hear sarcasm over the internet?). Ummm yeah so I've decided from now on to acknowledge that I have only six days in my week (due to the fact that I never sleep on sunday nights) and refer to sunday and monday as sumonday.
Well, I think I will close this epistle with a few more jokes for everyone since I just ate an entire bag of laffy taffy the other day.

Why did the old man put his car in the oven?
Because he wanted a hot rod.
What do you call people trying to cross a busy street in LA?
The Los Angeles Dodgers.
Why wouldn't the elephant move?
Because his trunk was too heavy and he couldn't pick it up.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well, it is now Mission's Conference week down here at Moody Bible Institute. Mission's Conference means a lot of things to us third year students. It means first, a week without having to go to class-- and no one can complain about that. It means second, a week where more missionaries than you could possibly imagine telling you why God's plan for your life most likely includes living in a mud hut somewhere and eating bugs. It means third, a lot of homework.
Yes, this week I will be reading a little book called "The Torah's Vision of Worship" and attempting to write a book review on it. FYI, a book review is apparently vhastly different from a book report, and I guess I will be finding out how before I write it. Anyways, it really should be a fun week down here. Of course, they will bring in the resident crazy speakers like George Verwer (if anyone has ever heard of him then you know what I mean), but they always have some really cool stuff we get to hear as well.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Hello Family!
I guess I am like the last person to start a blog. Well, I must say, you are all very funny people. I will tell you one joke, but it is not that funny...
Why won't the lobster share?
Because he was shellfish!

Wow, I'm sorry if anyone just took the time to read this whole blog. I solemnely swear to try to figure out what you are actually supposed to say in a blog before attempting to write another one. Well, I love you all. --The End